Yes. You will find it transcribed below:

To all the Dear Brethren, Greeting,

In view of the rise of the message, and the increasing interest to hear about the ‘Signs of the times’ in every part of the land; it is proposed that another tent be procured immediately, and let the one we have go in new places. We expect to be favored with the labors of Bro. J. H.  Waggons the coming summer.  We cannot supply half the openings without another tent.   Now I propose that all bear a part so that there will be an “Equality” and on one will be the poorer. Let each church raise from $3.00 to $25.00 according to their ability, and this desirable object will be accomplished.  A great work will be done this season. Advent + other ministries are now willing to hear, that one year ago were bitterly opposed to the truth. Will someone take the trouble to see all the friends of truth in your vicinity immediately.  Let each one have the privilege of casting in their mites. What we do must be done quickly.

What is raised for this specific object should be forwarded to me at Battle Creek Mich. that the truth may be presented in season.

Let me know how you are all prospering and about the interest in your vicinity, &c.

                                                                            Love to all

                                                                                Yours Fraternally,

                                                                                                           M.E. Cornell

PS: Will it not strengthen any bro $5.00 to know that two tents are moving in Mich.  and scores remembering the truth, and Our Enemies put to flight, &c.

N.B. We send a copy to each church. 

                            Victory will soon be ours

Jackson Apr 4th 1855.


Send a list of what each one gives that it may be put on book and refunded if not used in the tent, or if the tent should be sold at any time.